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First LEGO League Challenge Training Classes in Santa Clara

5/5 Rating

Are you ready to guide your next generation of First LEGO League teams toward solving global issues through robotic innovation and teamwork? Look no further than our dedicated First LEGO League Challenge Training sessions. Providing both introductory and advanced workshops covering all aspects of successfully navigating the annual theme. Our experienced coaches strive to ensure all attendees acquire knowledge applicable to each year's specific mission, instilling valuable life skills along the way.

Preparing for Success in the First LEGO League Challenge Program.

Introduction Workshop: Aimed at newcomer teams seeking to lay strong foundations for growth within FLL competitions. Content will include core FLL concepts, effective strategies, project planning, presentation techniques, and basic robot design practices utilizing the current season's challenge elements.

Advanced Training Workshop: For veteran teams seeking honed techniques and specialized expertise beyond what they already know. This higher-level training focuses on mastering competition nuances, sophisticated robot maneuvers, intricate coding methods, critical problem-solving approaches, and best practices from top-ranking teams. Attendees will emerge fully equipped to excel amidst fierce competition.

Both formats deliver interactive, informative experiences fostering cross-team collaboration and networking opportunities. Graduates leave feeling inspired, engaged, and capable of facing diverse scenarios encountered during tournaments.

Don't miss out on arming yourself with the essential knowledge required to help your young innovators reach their full potential. Sign up for either the Introduction or Advanced version of our comprehensive FIRST LEGO League Challenge Training courses and take your team one step closer to achieving regional, national, or international acclaim. With our guidance, anything truly IS possible! Limited spots are available. Contact us now to reserve a place or request additional details. We look forward to working together toward a better, brighter tomorrow, built by today's youth.

Course Comments (03)


My son attended First Lego league and summer camps at Futurebytes. He LOVED it !!! He is excited and looking forward for the upcoming sessions. Along with robotics, kids are also taught about the interpersonal skills like core values, team work, innovation, competitive sprit to excel in the tournament which helps in overall development for the kids. As a parent I was excited to see the progress made, got constant updates, viewed demos and presentations showcased by kids. I am very thankful to Mrs Jyothi and her staff for being very patient, friendly and providing enriching ecosystem. I am happy and satisfied with the entire experience and highly recommend it to other parents.


My 10-year old son attended the fall session (training for the FLL tournament) with Futurebytes, which was a great experience! He's been interested in robotics for a while, but neither my wife nor I had much knowledge about how to get him involved until we heard about this program. It taught him how to code his robot, and the instructor Jyothi was extremely patient and welcoming. They knew what they were doing and put in the time and effort to help her team be a formidable competitor at the robotics tournament. I highly recommend it to any parents starting out in robotics or anyone who would like their kids to explore such opportunities!

Vidya Padmanabhan

Highly reccomend Futurebytes! We have taken multiple courses and my son has participated in FIrst Lego League thanks to the founder - Jyothi . This is an organization that is professionally run with deep emphasis on team work, building foundational core skills.

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