Welcome to Futurebytes

Outreach Events


Futurebytes aims to inspire youth by showing them the amazing real-world applications of robotics and coding across diverse fields. At our events, kids can directly interact with robots and try introductory coding activities hands-on. For entertainment, we use coding to make music and video games come alive. To showcase space exploration, we guide teams in building Lego rover prototypes and having Mars rover races! Making it action-packed and hands-on is key. We organize collaborative building challenges, competitive robotics tournaments, and quick but engaging coding demos.

Seeing robots in action excites kids' imaginations. By partnering with local schools, libraries and museums, we reach more young minds. Our inspirational swag like robot Stickers, T-shirts and program brochures make it memorable. Most importantly, we aim to energetically show kids how coding and robotics can turn their creativity into reality. Our interactive events plant seeds for their future STEM journey.

Our Events

20th September,2023

Outreach event

Discovery charter school Falcon Campus
23 September 2023

Science,Arts and Aviation community festival

San jose reid Hill View Airport