Welcome to Futurebytes

Our Mission

At FutureBytes, our mission is to inspire and empower young minds to explore the exciting world of robotics and coding. We believe that every child has the potential to become a creator, problem-solver, and critical thinker, and we aim to provide them with the tools and skills necessary to achieve their goals.

Our Edtech provide a fun and engaging environment for children ages 5-12 to learn and grow. Our focus is on fostering creativity, curiosity, and computational thinking through hands-on learning experiences. We offer a range of programs, including after-school programs, summer camps, and workshops, that are designed to engage children in the exciting world of robotics and coding.

Join us on this exciting journey and help us shape the future, one byte at a time!



Jyothi Vemu is a visionary entrepreneur and the founder of Futurebytes, a leading Edtech company based in Silicon Valley. With a passion for technology and education, Jyothi has dedicated her career to helping children learn and grow through innovative programs that teach coding and robotics.

Jyothi's journey began when she completed her Master's in Technology from JNTU University in India. She then went on to work as an assistant professor at the same university, where she discovered her passion for teaching and inspiring young minds.

In 2018, Jyothi founded Futurebytes with the goal of providing children with a fun and engaging way to learn about coding and robotics. She believed that by making these subjects accessible and exciting, children would be more likely to pursue careers in technology and become the next generation of innovators.

Under Jyothi's leadership, Futurebytes has grown rapidly, expanding to multiple locations and serving hundreds of children each year. Her commitment to quality and innovation has earned her company a reputation as a leader in the education technology space.

Jyothi's passion for education and technology continues to drive her work. She is dedicated to helping children discover their potential and achieve their dreams. Through her company's robotics and coding camps, Jyothi is shaping the future, one child at a time

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